Research and Development



A unique multi-role Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System (UAV) with special design to fulfill a plethora of military and civilian operational needs.The innovative Tilt Rotor design coupled with a powerful hybrid power plant system combines the majority of the advantages of a fixed-wing aircraft and a helicopter and ensures a maximum payload of 20 kg.


• Target Surveillance and Recognition

• Small Explosives Drop

• Armor Supply

• Battle Damage Assessment

• Foreign Aircraft Flight Obstruction


• Region Surveillance

• Fast Object Transport

• Aero Photography


• Surveying

• Crop Health Monitoring

• Soil Sampling and Analysis


• Border Surveillance

• Suspicious Activity Detection and Tracking

• Area Control & Command


• Search and Rescue Assistance

• Disaster Assessment

• Medical Assistance

• Food and Equipment Transport


• Weather Monitoring

• Sensor Data


• Modified Riblett Airfoil for Optimum Performance

• High Lift Devices For Low Stall Speed

• Hybrid (Battery/Fuel) Power Plant For Maximum Range and Endurance

• V-Tail Section For Optimum Maneuverability

• Powerful Twin Motor - Propeller Power Plant

• Auto Pilot. 3-Axis Angular Rate and Acceleration Measurement, GPS update

• Loss Link, Loss GPS and Low Battery Failsafe

• Sensors: Barometer, Airspeed, External Magnetometer, GPS Receiver, Outside Temperature Sensor and Ultrasonic (or Laser) Altimeter.

• Endurance 7 Hours, Cruise Speed 180 km/h, Vne Speed 220 km/h

• Prototype Fuselage length 3,1meters. Wingspan 3,2meters. Model may be upscaled or downsized according to market needs.


• Uniform Payload Compartment

• High Resolution Camera

• Payload Carrying Crane

• Real Time data transfer link

• Video recording equipment

• Remote control equipment (telemetry)

• Mission Equipment Modular Design.

Company purpose: Aviatec is an aviation services provider, offering business solutions in today’s challenging environment. By staying current on technology trends we are developing a TiltRotor-VTOL-Hybrid Engine UAV meeting the most demanding surveillance mission requirements for exceptional client needs.

Problem: Existed UAVs are either multicopters, having low autonomy, low range, low cruising speed, or fixed wing UAVs, unable to hover, requiring runways or catapult launchers for takeoff. These UAVs either run on batteries, which offer limited UAV autonomy, or on internal combustion engines requiring greater turnaround times. Moreover Sea Border Patrol is achieved by surveillance systems mounted either on ships or on aircrafts (airplanes/helicopters) as UAVs limited capabilities are not able to meet extended mission requirements.

Solution: Sparrow UAV combines the advantages of the existed UAVs in one platform. Its TiltRotor design allows takeoffs from any “confined” area while its cruising speed is exceptionally high. The Hybrid engine allows extended range and hover operations along with a limited emergency hover run on electrical power only. Batteries recharge during internal combustion engine running. Sparrow offers minimum turnaround time, without any engine shut down requirements. It is designed for low maintenance, low service and low building costs. It's main structure is mostly made of aluminum for greater MBDR (Mission Battle Damage Repair) and tolerance while composites are also used on key areas.

Market Potential: Government and Military Operators, Boarder Patrol Services, Private Security Companies, Coast Guard, Bay Watching Service Providers (sharks, stranded boats etc), Fire-fighting units (bushfires etc.), Police Units (demonstration surveillance etc)

Competition/Alternatives: Currently multirole operations are accomplished by a combination of multiple UAV types (multicopters and fixed wing UAVs), there is no similar project worldwide till present.

Business Model: Sparrow is a unique platform for mounting high-end surveillance systems. It can be customized according to each client mission. Our services include follow on support, training and on-site part construction. Sparrow is focused on fast-pace, low-cost, demanding client missions. We focus on great security providers, government and military operators.

Team: Sparrow team is composed of five (5) Hellenic Air Force Aeronautical Engineers and Aircraft Mechanics having great professional experience gained on multiple aviation sectors and on multiple aircraft systems. Half of the team has always been keen on helicopter capabilities while the other half has always been in fond of airplane performance. Hmmm..But this doesn’t sum up to the odd number 5,right? Well, the fifth guy was the one who came up with the Sparrow UAV idea…

Financials: So far several hundred thousands Euros have been spent on the prototype development, we continue funding the project

Vision: Sparrow team next steps focus on developing an LO – low observability- platform, along with jamming capabilities, payload enhancement and electrical power system improvement